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Craftmanship And The Crevasse

by Martin Fowler

Daniel Terhorst-North's recent blog post on software craftsmanship has unleashed a lot of blog discussions (which I summarize below, if you're interested). There's a lot in there, but one of his themes particularly resonated with me, hence this post.

19 January 2011


Tradable Quality Hypothesis

by Martin Fowler

I commonly come across developers who are frustrated because "management want more features, they don't care about quality". I'm always sad when I hear this, because when I hear this I know that the developers, management and their customers have already lost. Their defeat has been caused by framing the situation in terms of the tradable quality hypothesis.

21 February 2011


Design Stamina Hypothesis

by Martin Fowler

Is it worth the effort to design software well?

20 June 2007
